Séisme de France-Germany border reg. du 05 Mai 2009 : 01:39:25
Earthquake of France-Germany border reg. : May 05th 2009 : 01:39:25

Sismicié riégionale - Regional seismicity

(postscript file) file)


Lat:  47.693  Long:   7.819
Profondeur/Depth:   12.
Magnitude:    Ms= 4.5
Station  dist azimuth back_azimuth      P           PP          PCP           S           SCS 
CLF      3.8   277.     093.        01:40:24:23 01:40:31.52 01:47:57.96  01:41:09.14 01:54:58.61
ECH      0.7   320.     139.        01:39:40.38 01:39:47.52 01:47:57.27  01:39:51.22 01:54:57.36
SSB      3.3   224.     042.        01:40:17.86 01:40:25.25 01:47:57.83  01:40:57.79 01:54:58.34

Fichiers Seed - Seed files

Vous pouvez acceder au fichier seed (canaux VH, LH et BH) des stations CLF, ECH, SSB, ICI
The seed file (BH LH VH channels) for CLF, ECH, SSB, ICI

Enregistrements - Plots