IPGP UPC   EOST  CNRS   Epos France

History of the Observatory Geoscope : Introduction

sismomètre sts1-vertical

GEOSCOPE was the first network to develop broad band digital seismological stations, since 1982 , seizing the opportunity to use the STS1 seismometer. The Streckeisen STS1 is a leaf spring seismometer which employs the force feedback system to extend the bandwidth. This equipment suppressed the traditional boundary between short and long periods in seismology (Romanowicz et al, EOS Trans, 1984).

GEOSCOPE aimed at installing a worldwide network of 25 digital broad band 3-component seismological stations. This program, on the responsability of IPGP (Paris), EOST (Strasbourg) and IRD ( Bondy), saw outside organisations, IPEV, Universities of California, Mexico, Chile, Brasil, CNES, CEA/DASE, USGS/IRIS contributing to install and hold the stations.

Since 1982, other projects appeared (USA, Japan, Italy, China, Germany..) and we join our forces in the bosom of a Federation, the FSDN (Federation of Seismological Digital Networks) to provide the scientific community as quickly as possible with data of great quality.