Catalogs of earthquakes provided by GEOSCOPE
Mag. UTC Date-Time Lat. Lon. Depth Region
y/m/d h:m:s (deg) (deg) (km)
6.3 2009/12/24 00:23:27 +42.212 +134.793 348.1 Russia, Primor'ye
6.4 2009/12/19 13:02:17 +23.763 +121.689 44.6 Taiwan
5.7 2009/12/17 01:37:47 +36.428 -9.920 10.0 West of Gibraltar
6.3 2009/12/10 02:30:52 +53.440 +152.696 650.7 Sea of Okhotsk
6.4 2009/12/09 16:00:43 -0.729 -21.047 10.0 Central Mid-Atlantique ridge
6.4 2009/12/09 09:46:09 -22.283 +170.913 89.3 Southeast Loyalty isl.
6.8 2009/11/24 12:47:17 -20.713 -173.432 62.0 Tonga
6.1 2009/11/22 07:48:21 -17.789 -178.435 523.1 Fiji region
6.6 2009/11/17 15:30:47 +52.151 -131.378 11.6 Queen Charlotte isl. reg.
6.5 2009/11/13 03:05:57 -19.385 -70.266 28.0 Chile, offshore Tarapaca
7.2 2009/11/09 10:44:54 -17.212 +178.413 585.1 Fiji Region
6.6 2009/11/08 19:41:46 -8.270 +118.633 32.9 Sumbawa Region, Indonesia
6.9 2009/10/30 07:03:40 +29.154 +129.903 35.0 Japan, Ryukyu isl.
7.0 2009/10/24 14:40:45 -6.161 +130.346 138.5 Banda sea
6.3 2009/10/14 18:00:22 -14.945 -174.806 10.0 Samoa isl., reg.
6.3 2009/10/13 20:21:54 +52.634 -167.149 13.7 Alaska, Aleutian isl., Fox isl.
6.4 2009/10/12 09:37:17 -12.393 +166.533 10.0 Santa Cruz islands
6.8 2009/10/08 08:28:49 -13.298 +165.951 35.0 Vanuatu
6.6 2009/10/08 02:12:39 -11.650 +166.170 35.0 Santa Cruz isl.
7.3 2009/10/07 23:13:49 -13.145 +166.297 33.3 Vanuatu
7.7 2009/10/07 22:18:26 -12.554 +166.320 35.0 Santa Cruz isl.
7.8 2009/10/07 22:03:16 -13.052 +166.187 35.0 Vanuatu
6.7 2009/10/07 21:41:15 +4.043 +122.584 582.8 Celebes sea
6.6 2009/10/04 10:58:01 +6.721 +123.480 630.5 Philippines, Mindanao, Moro gulf
6.3 2009/10/02 01:07:40 -16.579 -173.274 10.0 Tonga
6.6 2009/10/01 01:52:30 -2.497 +101.540 15.0 Indonesia, S. Sumatra
7.6 2009/09/30 10:16:10 -0.789 +99.961 80.0 Indonesia, S. Sumatra
8.0 2009/09/29 17:48:11 -15.558 -172.073 18.0 Samoa isl. reg.
6.4 2009/09/24 07:16:25 +18.992 -107.350 35.0 Mexico, off the coast of Jalisco
6.4 2009/09/12 20:06:25 +10.757 -67.847 10.0 Venezuela, offshore Aragua
7.0 2009/09/02 07:55:02 -7.777 +107.326 50.0 Indonesia, Java
6.6 2009/08/30 14:51:33 -15.187 -172.526 11.0 Samoa isl., reg.
6.8 2009/08/28 01:51:20 -7.117 +123.444 633.0 Banda sea
6.3 2009/08/18 21:20:48 -26.014 -178.390 269.0 Fiji, South of Fiji Islands
6.4 2009/08/17 10:10:56 +23.398 +123.547 10.0 Japan, Ryukyu isl.
6.7 2009/08/17 00:05:47 +23.507 +123.594 10.0 Japan, Ryukyu isl.
6.7 2009/08/16 07:38:26 -1.397 +99.473 45.0 Indonesia, Kepulauan Mentawai reg.
6.7 2009/08/12 22:48:52 +32.816 +140.382 51.0 Japan reg., Izu isl.
6.4 2009/08/10 20:07:08 +34.741 +138.218 26.0 Japan, S. coast of Honshu
6.6 2009/08/10 04:06:32 -11.596 +166.093 43.0 Santa Cruz islands
7.6 2009/08/10 19:55:39 +14.013 +92.023 33.0 India reg., Andaman isl.
7.1 2009/08/09 10:55:56 +33.122 +138.026 297.0 Japan reg., Izu isl.
6.9 2009/08/03 17:59:57 +29.066 -112.871 10.0 Gulf of California
7.8 2009/07/15 09:22:33 -45.721 +166.643 35.0 New Zealand, South island
6.3 2009/07/13 18:05:03 +24.032 +122.171 32.0 Taiwan region
6.4 2009/07/01 09:30:10 +34.240 +25.478 10.0 Greece, Crete
6.7 2009/06/23 14:19:22 -5.153 +153.794 64.0 Papua New Guinea, New Ireland reg.
6.4 2009/06/05 03:30:33 +41.835 +143.412 29.0 Japan reg., Hokkaido
6.5 2009/06/02 02:17:07 -17.763 +167.878 40.0 Vanuatu
7.1 2009/05/28 08:24:46 +16.783 -86.166 10.0 offshore Honduras
6.4 2009/05/16 00:53:47 -31.522 -178.887 10.0 Kermadec isl. reg.
4.5 2009/05/05 01:39:25 +47.693 +7.819 12.0 France-Germany border reg.
6.6 2009/04/18 19:18:00 +46.118 +151.364 35.0 Kuril islands
6.7 2009/04/16 14:57:06 -60.187 -26.845 20.0 S. Sandwich isl. reg.
5.6 2009/04/07 17:47:38 +42.349 +13.405 13.0 Central Italy
6.9 2009/04/07 04:23:34 +46.088 +151.498 34.0 Kuril islands
6.3 2009/04/06 01:32:42 +42.423 +13.395 10.0 Central Italy
6.3 2009/04/04 05:31:58 +5.107 +127.211 68.0 Philippine isl. reg.
6.3 2009/04/01 03:55:02 -3.650 +143.939 10.0 Papoua New Guinea, New Guinea
7.9 2009/03/19 18:17:41 -23.050 -174.668 34.0 Tonga region
6.3 2009/03/16 14:15:56 +3.820 +126.500 35.0 Indonesia, Kepulauan Talaud
6.3 2009/03/12 23:23:34 +5.636 -82.769 9.0 South of Panama
6.5 2009/03/06 10:50:29 +80.264 -1.804 10.0 North of Svalbard
6.3 2009/02/28 14:33:06 -60.394 -24.863 10.0 S. Sandwich isl., reg.
6.9 2009/02/18 21:53:45 -27.415 -176.419 25.0 Kermadec isl., reg.
5.6 2009/02/16 23:16:41 +37.411 +21.068 10.0 Southern Greece
7.2 2009/02/11 17:34:51 +3.902 +126.400 20.0 Indonesia, Kepulauan Talaud
6.3 2009/01/21 17:08:43 -22.686 +171.033 24.0 Loyalty islands
6.8 2009/01/19 03:35:19 -22.604 +170.881 10.0 Loyalty islands
6.7 2009/01/18 14:11:45 -30.108 -178.000 10.0 New Zealand, Kermadec isl.
7.4 2009/01/15 17:49:39 +46.861 +155.154 36.0 Kuril islands
6.8 2009/01/15 07:27:25 -22.440 +170.504 52.0 Loyalty islands
5.1 2009/01/13 06:12:46 +35.707 +26.286 56.0 Greece, Crete
6.1 2009/01/08 19:21:34 +10.197 -84.159 4.0 Costa Rica
7.3 2009/01/03 22:33:42 -0.695 +132.279 35.0 Indonesia, M. coast of Papua
7.6 2009/01/03 19:43:55 -0.510 +132.783 35.0 Indonesia, M. coast of Papua
Category: Catalogs of earthquakes provided by GEOSCOPE